

This project is maintained by options-docs

General Info

General API Information

HTTP Return Codes

Endpoint Error Codes

General Information on Endpoints

testnet environment

Endpoint Security Type

Security Type Description
NONE Endpoint can be accessed freely.
TRADE Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key and signature.
USER_DATA Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key and signature.
USER_STREAM Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key.
MARKET_DATA Endpoint requires sending a valid API-Key.

SIGNED (TRADE and USER_DATA) Endpoint Security

Timing security

**Serious trading is about timing. ** Networks can be unstable and unreliable, which can lead to requests taking varying amounts of time to reach the servers. With recvWindow, you can specify that the request must be processed within a certain number of milliseconds or be rejected by the server.

SIGNED Endpoint Examples for POST /vapi/v1/order

Here is a step-by-step example of how to send a vaild signed payload from the Linux command line using echo, openssl, and curl.

Key Value
apiKey 22BjeOROKiXJ3NxbR3zjh3uoGcaflPu3VMyBXAg8Jj2J1xVSnY0eB4dzacdE9IWn
secretKey YtP1BudNOWZE1ag5uzCkh4hIC7qSmQOu797r5EJBFGhxBYivjj8HIX0iiiPof5yG
Parameter Value
symbol BTC-210129-40000-C
side BUY
type LIMIT
timeInForce GTC
quantity 0.01
price 2000
recvWindow 5000
timestamp 1611825601400

Example 1: As a request body

Example 1

HMAC SHA256 signature:

    $ echo -n "symbol=BTC-210129-40000-C&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=0.01&price=2000&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1611825601400" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "YtP1BudNOWZE1ag5uzCkh4hIC7qSmQOu797r5EJBFGhxBYivjj8HIX0iiiPof5yG"
    (stdin)= 7c12045972f6140e765e0f2b67d28099718df805732676494238f50be830a7d7

curl command:

    (HMAC SHA256)
    $ curl -H "X-MBX-APIKEY: 22BjeOROKiXJ3NxbR3zjh3uoGcaflPu3VMyBXAg8Jj2J1xVSnY0eB4dzacdE9IWn" -X POST 'https://vapi.binance.com/vapi/v1/order' -d 'symbol=BTC-210129-40000-C&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=0.01&price=2000&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1611825601400&signature=7c12045972f6140e765e0f2b67d28099718df805732676494238f50be830a7d7'


Example 2: As a query string

Example 2

HMAC SHA256 signature:

    $ echo -n "symbol=BTC-210129-40000-C&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=0.01&price=2000&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1611825601400" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "YtP1BudNOWZE1ag5uzCkh4hIC7qSmQOu797r5EJBFGhxBYivjj8HIX0iiiPof5yG"
    (stdin)= 7c12045972f6140e765e0f2b67d28099718df805732676494238f50be830a7d7

curl command:

    (HMAC SHA256)
   $ curl -H "X-MBX-APIKEY: 22BjeOROKiXJ3NxbR3zjh3uoGcaflPu3VMyBXAg8Jj2J1xVSnY0eB4dzacdE9IWn" -X POST 'https://vapi.binance.com/vapi/v1/order?symbol=BTC-210129-40000-C&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC&quantity=0.01&price=2000&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1611825601400&signature=7c12045972f6140e765e0f2b67d28099718df805732676494238f50be830a7d7'


Example 3: Mixed query string and request body

Example 3

HMAC SHA256 signature:

   $ echo -n "symbol=BTC-210129-40000-C&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTCquantity=0.01&price=2000&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1611825601400" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "YtP1BudNOWZE1ag5uzCkh4hIC7qSmQOu797r5EJBFGhxBYivjj8HIX0iiiPof5yG"
    (stdin)= fa6045c54fb02912b766442be1f66fab619217e551a4fb4f8a1ee000df914d8e

curl command:

    (HMAC SHA256)
    $ curl -H "X-MBX-APIKEY: 22BjeOROKiXJ3NxbR3zjh3uoGcaflPu3VMyBXAg8Jj2J1xVSnY0eB4dzacdE9IWn" -X POST 'https://vapi.binance.com/vapi/v1/order?symbol=BTC-210129-40000-C&side=BUY&type=LIMIT&timeInForce=GTC' -d 'quantity=0.01&price=2000&recvWindow=5000&timestamp=1611825601400&signature=fa6045c54fb02912b766442be1f66fab619217e551a4fb4f8a1ee000df914d8e'



Note that the signature is different in example 3. There is no & between “GTC” and “quantity=1”.

Public API Definitions


ENUM definitions

Options contract type

Order side

Position side

Time in force

Response Type (newOrderRespType)

Order types (type)

Order status (status)

Quoting interface

Test connectivity


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success"

GET /vapi/v1/ping

Weight: 1

Parameters: NONE

Get server time


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": 1592387156596 // Current system time

GET /vapi/v1/time

Weight: 1

Parameters: NONE

Get current trading pair info


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "contractId": 1,
      "underlying": "BTCUSDT",          // Underlying asset of the contract
      "quoteAsset": "USDT",             // Quotation asset
      "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",    // Trading pair name
      "unit": 1,                        // Conversion ratio, the quantity of the underlying asset represented by a single contract.
      "minQty": 1,                      // Minimum trade volume of the underlying asset
      "side": "CALL",                   // Direction: CALL long, PUT short
      "leverage": 0,                    // Leverage
      "strikePrice": 9000,              // Strike price
      "expiryDate": 1593518400000       // Exercise time

GET /vapi/v1/optionInfo

Weight: 1

Parameters: NONE

Get current limit info and trading pair info


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "timezone": "UTC",                    // Time zone used by the server
    "serverTime": 1592387337630,          // Current system time
    "optionContracts": [                  // Option contract underlying asset info
        "id": 1,
        "baseAsset": "BTC",               // Base currency
        "quoteAsset": "USDT",             // Quotation asset
        "underlying": "BTCUSDT",          // Name of the underlying asset of the option contract
        "settleAsset": "USDT"             // Settlement currency
    "optionAssets": [                     // Option asset inf
        "id": 1,
        "name": "USDT"                    // Asset name
    "optionSymbols": [                    // Option trading pair info
        "id": 1,
        "contractId": 1,
        "underlying": "BTCUSDT",          // Underlying asset of the contract
        "quoteAsset": "USDT",             // Quotation asset
        "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",    // Trading pair name
        "unit": 1,                        // Conversion ratio, the quantity of the underlying asset represented by a single contract.
        "minQty": 1,                      // Minimum trade volume of the underlying asset
        "side": "CALL",                   // Direction: CALL long, PUT short
        "leverage": 0,                    // Leverage
        "strikePrice": 9000,              // Strike price
        "expiryDate": 1593518400000       // Exercise time

GET /vapi/v1/exchangeInfo

Weight: 1

Parameters: NONE

Get the spot index price


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "indexPrice": "9200" // Current spot index price

GET /vapi/v1/index

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
underlying STRING YES Spot pair(Option contract underlying asset) BTCUSDT

Get the latest price


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",
      "priceChange": "-16.2038",        //24-hour price change
      "priceChangePercent": "-0.0162",  //24-hour percent price change
      "lastPrice": "1000",              //Last trade price
      "lastQty": "1000",                //Last trade amount
      "open": "1016.2038",              //24-hour open price
      "high": "1016.2038",              //24-hour high
      "low": "0",                       //24-hour low
      "volume": "5",                    //Trading volume
      "amount": null,                   //Trade amount
      "openTime": 1592317127349,        //Time the first trade occurred within the last 24 hours
      "closeTime": 1592380593516,       //Time the last trade occurred within the last 24 hours      "firstTradeId": 1,                //First trade ID
      "tradeCount": 5,                  //Number of trades
      "strikePrice": "9000"             //Strike price

GET /vapi/v1/ticker

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING NO Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C

Get the latest mark price


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",
      "markPrice": 1343.2883,       // Mark price
      "bidIV": "1.40000077",        // Implied volatility Buy
      "askIV": "1.50000153",        // Implied volatility Sell
      "delta": 0.55937056,          // delta
      "theta": 3739.82509871,       // theta
      "gamma": 0.00010969,          // gamma
      "vega": 978.58874732,         // vega
      "highPriceLimit": 1618.241,   // Current highest buy price
      "lowPriceLimit": 1068.3356    // Current lowest sell price

GET /vapi/v1/mark

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING NO Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C

Depth information


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "bids": [   // Buy order
        "1000", // Price
        "0.9"   // Quantity
    "asks": [   // Sell order
        "1100", // Price
        "0.1"   // Quantity

GET /vapi/v1/depth

Weight: 5


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
limit INT NO Default:100 Max:1000.Optional value:[10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000] 100

Candle data


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
          "close": "1000",            // Closing price (latest price if the current candle has not closed)
          "closeTime": 1499644799999, // Closing time
          "tradeCount": 10,           // Number of completed trades
          "high": "1100",             // Highest price
          "low": "900",               // Lowest price
          "open": "950",              // Opening price
          "openTime": 1499040000000,  // Opening time
          "takerAmount": "10000",     // Taker trade amount
          "takerVolume": "100",       // Taker trading volume
          "interval": "5m",           // Candle type
          "volume": "100"             // Trading volume        

GET /vapi/v1/klines

Weight: 5


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
interval STRING YES Time interval 5m
startTime LONG NO Start Time 1592317127349
endTime LONG NO End Time 1592318127349
limit INT NO Number of records Default:500 Max:1500 500

Recently completed Option trades


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "price": "1000",      // Completed trade price
      "qty": "-0.1",        // Completed trade quantity
      "quoteQty": "-100",   // Completed trade amount
      "time": 1592449455993,// Time
      "side": -1            // Completed trade direction(-1 Sell,1 Buy)

GET /vapi/v1/trades

Weight: 5


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
limit INT NO Number of records Default:100 Max:500 100

Query trade history


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "price": "1000",      // Completed trade price
      "qty": "-0.1",        // Completed trade Quantity
      "quoteQty": "-100",   // Completed trade amount
      "time": 1592449455993,// Time
      "side": -1            // Completed trade direction(-1 Sell,1 Buy)

GET /vapi/v1/historicalTrades

Weight: 5


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
fromId LONG NO The deal ID from which to return. The latest deal record is returned by default 1592317127349
limit INT NO Number of records Default:100 Max:500 100

Account and trading interface

Account asset info (USER_DATA)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "currency": "USDT",               // Asset type
      "equity": 10094.44662,            // Account equity
      "available": 8725.92524,          // Available funds
      "orderMargin": 1084.52138,        // Order margin
      "positionMargin": 289.00138,      // Position margin
      "unrealizedPNL": -5.00138,        // Unrealized profit/loss
      "maintMargin": 151.00138,         // Maintenance margin
      "balance": 10099.448              // Account balance

GET /vapi/v1/account (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

Funds transfer (USER_DATA)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": 4         //  Transfer record ID

POST /vapi/v1/transfer (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
currency STRING YES Asset type USDT
type ENUM YES IN: Transfer from spot account to option account OUT: Transfer from option account to spot account IN
amount DECIMAL YES Amount 10000
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

Option holdings info (USER_DATA)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "entryPrice": 1000,               // Average entry price
      "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",    // Option trading pair
      "side": "SHORT",                  // Position direction
      "leverage": 0,                    // Leverage
      "quantity": -0.1,                 // Number of positions (positive numbers represent long positions, negative number represent short positions)
      "reducibleQty": 0,                // Number of positions that can be reduced
      "markValue": 105.00138,           // Current market value
      "autoReducePriority": 0,          // Auto-deleverage ranking
      "ror": -0.05,                     // Rate of return
      "unrealizedPNL": -5.00138,        // Unrealized profit/loss
      "markPrice": 1050.0138,           // Mark price
      "strikePrice": 9000,              // Strike price
      "expiryDate": 1593511200000       // Exercise time

GET /vapi/v1/position (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING NO Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

Account funding flow (USER_DATA)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "id": 1125899906842624000,
      "currency": "USDT",           // Asset type
      "amount": -0.552,             // Amount (positive numbers represent inflow, negative numbers represent outflow)
      "type": "FEE",                // Account type (fees)
      "createDate": 1592449456000,  // Time
      "id": 1125899906842624000,
      "currency": "USDT",           // Asset type
      "amount": 100,                // Amount (positive numbers represent inflow, negative numbers represent outflow)
      "type": "CONTRACT",           // Account type (buy/sell contracts)
      "createDate": 1592449456000,  // Time
      "id": 1125899906842624000,
      "currency": "USDT",           // Asset type
      "amount": 10000,              // Amount (positive numbers represent inflow, negative numbers represent outflow)
      "type": "TRANSFER",           // Account type(Funds transfer)
      "createDate": 1592448410000,  // Time

POST /vapi/v1/bill (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
currency STRING YES Asset type USDT
recordId LONG NO Return the recordId and subsequent data, the latest data is returned by default 100000
startTime LONG NO Start Time 1593511200000
endTime LONG NO End Time 1593512200000
limit INT NO Number of result sets returned Default:100 Max:1000 100
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

Option order (TRADE)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "id": "4611875134427365377",        // System order number
    "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",      // Option trading pair
    "price": 100,                       // Order Price
    "quantity": 1,                      // Order Quantity
    "executedQty": 0,                   // Number of completed trades
    "fee": 0,                           // Fee 
    "side": "BUY",                      // Buy/sell direction
    "type": "LIMIT",                    // Order type
    "timeInForce": "GTC",               // Time in force method
    "createDate": 1592465880683,        // Order Time
    "status": "ACCEPTED",               // Order status
    "avgPrice": 0,                      // Average price of completed trade
    "source": "WEB",                    // Order source
    "reduceOnly": false,                // Order is reduce only Y/N
    "clientOrderId": ""                 // Client order ID

POST /vapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
side ENUM YES Buy/sell direction: SELL, BUY BUY
type ENUM YES Order Type: LIMIT(Only support LIMIT) LIMIT
quantity DECIMAL YES Order Quantity 3
price DECIMAL NO Order Price 1000
timeInForce ENUM NO Time in force method(Default GTC) GTC
reduceOnly BOOLEAN NO Reduce Only(Default false) false
newOrderRespType ENUM NO “ACK”, “RESULT”, Default “ACK” ACK
clientOrderId STRING NO User-defined order ID cannot be repeated in pending orders 10000
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

Some parameters are mandatory depending on the order type as follows:

Type Mandatory parameters
LIMIT timeInForce, quantity, price
MARKET quantity

Place Multiple Option orders (TRADE)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "SUCCESS 5, FAILED 0",
  "data": [{
    "id": "4611875134427365377",        // System order number
    "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",      // Option trading pair
    "price": 100,                       // Order Price
    "quantity": 1,                      // Order Quantity
    "executedQty": 0,                   // Number of completed trades
    "fee": 0,                           // Fee 
    "side": "BUY",                      // Buy/sell direction
    "type": "LIMIT",                    // Order type
    "timeInForce": "GTC",               // Time in force method
    "createDate": 1592465880683,        // Order Time
    "status": "ACCEPTED",               // Order status
    "avgPrice": 0,                      // Average price of completed trade
    "source": "WEB",                    // Order source
    "reduceOnly": false,                // Order is reduce only Y/N
    "clientOrderId": ""                 // Client order ID

POST /vapi/v1/batchOrders (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
orders LIST YES order list. Max 5 orders [{“symbol”:”BTC-210115-35000-C”,”price”:”100”,”quantity”:”0.0001”,”side”:”BUY”,”type”:”LIMIT”}]
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

Where batchOrders is the list of order parameters in JSON:

Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
side ENUM YES Buy/sell direction: SELL, BUY BUY
type ENUM YES Order Type: LIMIT(Only support LIMIT) LIMIT
quantity DECIMAL YES Order Quantity 3
price DECIMAL NO Order Price 1000
timeInForce ENUM NO Time in force method(Default GTC) GTC
reduceOnly BOOLEAN NO Reduce Only(Default false) false
newOrderRespType ENUM NO “ACK”, “RESULT”, Default “ACK” ACK
clientOrderId STRING NO User-defined order ID cannot be repeated in pending orders 10000

Some parameters are mandatory depending on the order type as follows:

Type Mandatory parameters
LIMIT timeInForce, quantity, price
MARKET quantity

Cancel Option order (TRADE)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "id": "4611875134427365377",        // System order number
    "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",      // Option trading pair
    "price": 100,                       // Order Price
    "quantity": 1,                      // Order Quantity
    "executedQty": 0,                   // Number of completed trades
    "fee": 0,                           // Fee 
    "side": "BUY",                      // Buy/sell direction
    "type": "LIMIT",                    // Order type
    "timeInForce": "GTC",               // Time in force method
    "createDate": 1592465880683,        // Order Time
    "status": "ACCEPTED",               // Order status
    "avgPrice": 0,                      // Average price of completed trade
    "source": "WEB",                    // Order source
    "reduceOnly": false,                // Order is reduce only Y/N
    "clientOrderId": ""                 // Client order ID

DELETE /vapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
orderId LONG NO Order ID 4611875134427365377
clientOrderId STRING NO User-defined order ID 10000
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

At least one instance of orderId and clientOrderId must be sent.

Cancel Multiple Option orders (TRADE)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "SUCCESS 5, FAILED 0",
  "data": [{
    "id": "4611875134427365377",        // System order number
    "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",      // Option trading pair
    "price": 100,                       // Order Price
    "quantity": 1,                      // Order Quantity
    "executedQty": 0,                   // Number of completed trades
    "fee": 0,                           // Fee 
    "side": "BUY",                      // Buy/sell direction
    "type": "LIMIT",                    // Order type
    "timeInForce": "GTC",               // Time in force method
    "createDate": 1592465880683,        // Order Time
    "status": "ACCEPTED",               // Order status
    "avgPrice": 0,                      // Average price of completed trade
    "source": "WEB",                    // Order source
    "reduceOnly": false,                // Order is reduce only Y/N
    "clientOrderId": ""                 // Client order ID

DELETE /vapi/v1/batchOrders (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
orderIds LIST NO Order ID [4611875134427365377,4611875134427365378]
clientOrderIds LIST NO User-defined order ID [“my_id_1”,”my_id_2”]
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

Either orderIds or origClientOrderIds must be sent.

Cancel all Option orders (TRADE)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success"

DELETE /vapi/v1/allOpenOrders (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

Query Option order (TRADE)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": {
    "id": "4611875134427365377",        // System order number
    "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",      // Option trading pair
    "price": 100,                       // Order Price
    "quantity": 1,                      // Order Quantity
    "executedQty": 0,                   // Number of completed trades
    "fee": 0,                           // Fee 
    "side": "BUY",                      // Buy/sell direction
    "type": "LIMIT",                    // Order type
    "timeInForce": "GTC",               // Time in force method
    "createDate": 1592465880683,        // Order Time
    "status": "ACCEPTED",               // Order status
    "avgPrice": 0,                      // Average price of completed trade
    "source": "WEB",                    // Order source
    "reduceOnly": false,                // Order is reduce only Y/N
    "clientOrderId": ""                 // Client order ID

GET /vapi/v1/order (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
orderId LONG NO Order ID 4611875134427365377
clientOrderId STRING NO User-defined order ID 10000
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

At least one instance of orderId and clientOrderId must be sent.

Query current pending Option orders (TRADE)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "id": "4611875134427365377",        // System order number
      "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",      // Option trading pair
      "price": 100,                       // Order Price
      "quantity": 1,                      // Order Quantity
      "executedQty": 0,                   // Number of completed trades
      "fee": 0,                           // Fee 
      "side": "BUY",                      // Buy/sell direction
      "type": "LIMIT",                    // Order type
      "timeInForce": "GTC",               // Time in force method
      "createDate": 1592465880683,        // Order Time
      "status": "ACCEPTED",               // Order status
      "avgPrice": 0,                      // Average price of completed trade
      "source": "WEB",                    // Order source
      "reduceOnly": false,                // Order is reduce only Y/N
      "clientOrderId": ""                 // Client order ID

GET /vapi/v1/openOrders (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
orderId LONG NO Returns the orderId and subsequent orders, the most recent order is returned by default 100000
startTime LONG NO Start Time 1593511200000
endTime LONG NO End Time 1593512200000
limit INT NO Number of result sets returned Default:100 Max:1000 100
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

Query Option order history (TRADE)


  "code": 0,
  "msg": "success",
  "data": [
      "id": "4611875134427365377",        // System order number
      "symbol": "BTC-200730-9000-C",      // Option trading pair
      "price": 100,                       // Order Price
      "quantity": 1,                      // Order Quantity
      "executedQty": 0,                   // Number of completed trades
      "fee": 0,                           // Fee 
      "side": "BUY",                      // Buy/sell direction
      "type": "LIMIT",                    // Order type
      "timeInForce": "GTC",               // Time in force method
      "createDate": 1592465880683,        // Order Time
      "status": "CANCELLED",              // Order status
      "avgPrice": 0,                      // Average price of completed trade
      "source": "WEB",                    // Order source
      "reduceOnly": false,                // Order is reduce only Y/N
      "clientOrderId": ""                 // Client order ID

GET /vapi/v1/historyOrders (HMAC SHA256)

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
symbol STRING YES Option trading pair BTC-200730-9000-C
orderId LONG NO Returns the orderId and subsequent orders, the most recent order is returned by default 100000
startTime LONG NO Start Time 1593511200000
endTime LONG NO End Time 1593512200000
limit INT NO Number of result sets returned Default:100 Max:1000 100
recvWindow LONG NO    
timestamp LONG YES    

Push Websocket account info

Base URL of the API interface listed in this article: https://vapi.binance.com A User Data Stream listenKey is valid for 60 minutes after creation. You can extend the validity period by 60 minutes by performing a PUT listenKey operation. You can immediately terminate the current data stream by performing a DELETE listenKey operation, which will render that listenKey invalid. Performing a POST operation on an account with a valid listenKey will return the current valid listenKey and extend its validity period by 60 minutes. The baseurl of the websocket interface is: wss://vstream.binance.com User Data Streams are accessed at /ws/ or /stream?streams= Each link can be valid for no more than 24 hours. Please be sure to handle disconnection/reconnection appropriately. Account data stream info is not guaranteed to be in strict chronological order. Please use the E field for sorting.

Data is compressed as a GZIP file by default. After successful connection, send {“method”:”BINARY”, “params”:[“false”], “id”:1} to convert to text data.

Generate Listen Key (USER_STREAM)

Start a new data stream. The data stream will be terminated after 60 minutes unless sending keepalive. If the account has a valid listenKey, the listenKey will be returned and the validity period will be extended by 60 minutes.



GET /vapi/v1/userDataStream

Weight: 1

Parameters: NONE

Extend Listen Key validity period (USER_STREAM)

The validity period will be extended until 60 minutes after this call. It is recommended to send a put request every 30 minutes.



PUT /vapi/v1/userDataStream

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
listenKey STRING YES listenKey “pqia91ma19a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1”

Delete Listen Key (USER_STREAM)

Start a new data stream. The data stream will be terminated after 60 minutes unless sending keepalive. If the account has a valid listenKey, the listenKey will be returned and the validity period will be extended by 60 minutes.



DELETE /vapi/v1/userDataStream

Weight: 1


Name Type Mandatory Description Demo
listenKey STRING YES listenKey “pqia91ma19a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1a5s61cv6a81va65sdf19v8a65a1”

Payload: Account data

Update under the following conditions: Account recharge or withdrawal A transfer occurs between trading accounts (e.g. transfer from spot to margin accounts) Position changes


    "e":"ACCOUNT_UPDATE", event type
    "E":1591696384141, event time
            "b":"100007992.26053177",       // Account balance
            "m":"0",                        // Position value
            "u":"458.782655111111",         // Unrealized profit/loss
            "U":"458.782655111111",         // Unrealized profit/loss (Seller)
            "o":"-13238.246342",            // Order margin
            "p":"-18852.328456",            // Position margin
            "r":"-15452.328456",            // Reduce margin
            "M":"-15452.328456"             // Maintenance margin
    // Position info change. Includes a P attribute if there are changes, otherwise does not include a P attribute.
           "S": symbol,                     // Contract type
           "c":1,                           // Number of current positions
           "r":1,                           // Number of positions that can be reduced
           "p":1,                           // Position value
           "a":1                            // Average entry price

Payload: Order data

Update under the following conditions: Order change, order placed, order cancelled, trade completed

Order status (s)


 "e":"ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE",          // event type
 "E":1591698525864,                 // event time
         "T":0,                     // trade time 
         "oid":1,                   // Order ID
         "S":symbol,                // contract name
         "cid":"zdy",               // user-defined info
         "q":"0.111",               // Trading volume
         "stp":0,                   // selfTradePrevention
         "r":false,                 // reduce only
         "c":false,                 // temporarily unused
         "s":0,                     // status
         "e":"1",                   // completed trade volume
         "ec":"1",                  // completed trade amount
         "f":"0.011"                // Fee 

Market Streams Payload: 24-hour TICKER

Subscribe to an info stream


   "e":"ticker",                // event type
   "E":1591677962357,           // event time
   "s":"BTC-200630-9000-P",     // Option trading pair
   "o":"1000",                  // 24-hour opening price 
   "h":"1000",                  // Highest price
   "l":"1000",                  // Lowest price
   "c":"1000",                  // latest price
   "V":"2",                     // Trading volume
   "A":"0",                     // trade amount
   "p":"0",                     // price change
   "Q":"2000",                  // volume of last completed trade
   "F":1,                       // first trade ID
   "L":1,                       // last trade ID
   "n":1,                       // number of trades
   "b":"0",                     // BuyImplied volatility
   "a":"0",                     // SellImplied volatility
   "d":"0",                     // delta
   "t":"0",                     // theta
   "g":"0",                     // gamma
   "v":"0"                      // vega


“method”: “SUBSCRIBE”,
“id”: 1


Market Streams Payload: Latest completed trades


    "e":"trade",                        // event type
    "E":1591677941092,                  // event time
    "s":"BTC-200630-9000-P",            // Option trading pair
    "t":[                               // trade history
            "t":1,                      // trade ID
            "p":"1000",                 // trade price
            "q":"-2",                   // Trading volume
            "b":4611781675939004417,    // buy order ID
            "a":4611781675939004418,    // sell order ID
            "T":1591677567872,          // trade completed time
            "s":"-1"                    // direction


“method”: “SUBSCRIBE”,
“id”: 1

Market Streams Payload: Candle


“method”: “SUBSCRIBE”,
“id”: 1


“1m”, “3m”, “5m”, “15m” “30m” “1h”, “2h”, “4h”, “6”, “12h “1d”, “3d”, “1w”,


    "e":"kline",                        // event type
    "E":1591677941085,                  // event time
    "s":"BTC-200630-9000-P",            // Option trading pair
    "k":[{                              // second to last
        "t":1591677900000,              // candle event
        "i":"1m",                       // candle period
        "F":0,                          // first trade ID
        "L":0,                          // last trade ID
        "o":"1000",                     // open
        "h":"1000",                     // high
        "l":"1000",                     // low
        "c":"1000",                     // close
        "v":"0",                        // volume
        "n":0,                          // number of trades
        "q":"0",                        // completed trade amount
        "x":false,                      // current candle has been completed Y/N
        "V":"0",                        // taker completed trade volume
        "Q":"0"                         // taker trade amount
    },{                                 // Latest candle data
        "t":1591677900000,              // candle event
        "i":"1m",                       // candle period
        "F":0,                          // first trade ID
        "L":0,                          // last trade ID
        "o":"1000",                     // open
        "h":"1000",                     // high    
        "l":"1000",                     // low
        "c":"1000",                     // close
        "v":"0",                        // volume
        "n":0,                          // number of trades
        "q":"0",                        // completed trade amount
        "x":false,                      // current candle has been completed Y/N
        "V":"0",                        // taker completed trade volume
        "Q":"0"                         // taker trade amount

Market Streams Payload: Depth

Response: 1000 Diff. Depth Stream

    "e":"depth",                    // event type
    "E":1591695934033,              // event time
    "s":"BTC-200630-9000-P",        // Option trading pair
    "b":[                           // Buyorder
            "200",                  // Price
            "3",                    // volume
    "a":[                           // Sellorder


“method”: “SUBSCRIBE”,
“id”: 1

How to manage a local order book correctly

  1. Send a subscription depth request. The full data will be returned in the first response after subscribing. It needs to be cached locally.
  2. The data in each event is the absolute quantity for a price level.
  3. If the quantity is 0, remove the price level.
  4. If a certain price does not exist in the local cache, please add a new local cache.
  5. If the connection is disconnected, please reconnect, and then repeat steps 1-4.


“method”: “SUBSCRIBE”,
“id”: 1

Get current limit info and trading pair info


    "e":"OPTION_PAIR", //eventType
    "E":1611636498525, //eventTime
    "id":1,            //id 
    "cid":1,           //cid
    "u":"BTCUSDT",     // Underlying asset of the contract
    "qa":"USDT",       // Quotation asset
    "S":"BTC-210106-10000-C", //Trading pair name
    "unit":"1",        // Conversion ratio, the quantity of the underlying asset represented by a single contract.
    "mq":"0.0001",     // Minimum trade volume of the underlying asset
    "s":1,             // Direction: 1 long, -1 short
    "l":"0",           // Leverage
    "sp":"10000",      // Strike price
    "ed":1609927200000 //Exercise time

Websocket Error Messages

Error Messages Description
{“error”:{“code”:-1125,”msg”:”Invalid ListenKey “}} Invalid ListenKey
{“error”:{“code”:-1130,”msg”:”UNKNOWN_PARAM “}} UNKNOWN_PARAM


Errors consist of two parts: an error code and a message. Codes are universal, but messages can vary.

10xx - General Server or Network issues














11xx - 2xxx Request issues









-1112 NO_DEPTH






















3xxx-5xxx Filters and other issues